Voiding Dysfunction | MedStar Health

Voiding dysfunction is when there is poor coordination between the bladder and the urethra, which results in incomplete relaxation or over-activity of the pelvic floor muscles during urination.

The cause of voiding dysfunction is not always known, but it can be seen in adults and children. It’s commonly seen in those experiencing neurological, bladder, or prostate concerns and can lead to difficulty urinating or urinating too much. Some patients may not be able to urinate at all or develop urinary incontinence.

Voiding dysfunction can be very frustrating to live with. With specialized treatment from the urology experts at MedStar Georgetown, the good news is that now you no longer have to.

Symptoms of voiding dysfunction

Common symptoms of voiding dysfunction are wide ranging and include:

  • Hesitancy

  • Difficulty emptying the bladder

  • Slow or weak stream of urine

  • Urgency

  • Frequency

  • Dribbling

  • Incontinence

Diagnosis of voiding dysfunction

To diagnose voiding dysfunction and plan appropriate treatment, MedStar Health specialists will conduct an exam and discuss with you your medical history.

Your physician may recommend further testing to effectively diagnose this condition and plan treatment. Testing may include:

  • Cystoscopy: A tiny tube with a camera is inserted in bladder.

With video urodynamic testing, our specialists are able to put together a complete diagnostic picture at one time, in one place, with immediate results—saving you from multiple tests, inconvenience, and treatment delays.

Treatment for voiding dysfunction

Possible treatments for voiding dysfunction include:

  • Physical therapy

  • Behavior modification

  • Dietary and fluid changes

  • Medications

  • Minimally invasive procedural interventions, which can be office-based or outpatient. Examples include: Botox in the bladder, bladder pacemaker (sacral neuromodulation), or other office-based neuromodulating type procedures

Our providers

Ryan Cleary is a urology and robotic surgery specialist with MedStar Health in Baltimore Maryland.

Expert urology care

Getting the care you need starts with seeing one of our urologists.